Bible Education
Minimum of 1 year of Bible training or the equivalent
Please contact Dwight Brown, our Director of HR/Personnel at Ethnos360 Aviation. Mobile: 407-580-7098. Email: personnel-aviation@ntm.org . We can help you to evaluate the Bible credits and life/church experience that you and your spouse have already accumulated and recommend a Bible school as needed. Ethnos360 Bible Institute exists to provide this Bible training at an affordable price, including an online option.
Ethnos360 Aviation Candidate Evaluation
During a week at Ethnos360 Aviation home office in Arizona, we will evaluate your technical aviation skills. Also, through interviews with you and your spouse, we’ll present a realistic portrayal of the work that Ethnos360 Aviation does in support of pioneer church planting. At the same time, you will evaluate Ethnos360 Aviation to see if we are the type of ministry that you can get behind and wholeheartedly serve with.
Missionary Training
10 months
Ethnos360 Training US, Ethnos Training Canada, or similar missions training by any one of our Global Partners will give you the tools you need to succeed at learning a new language, thriving in a foreign culture, and working to support the church planting effort side by side with our national coworkers.
Ethnos360 Aviation advanced training in McNeal, AZ
9 months
You will gain advanced flying skills in STOL aircraft on short runways in mountain environments. We set high training standards using fixed-wing aircraft and a Kodiak simulator to prepare you to fly Kodiaks on the mission field. Advanced helicopter training prepares you to fly Robinson R66s. Advanced sling-load and gross-weight training prepares you to serve missionaries in any terrain and at high elevation.
Specialized maintenance training prepares you to maintain the aircraft you will be operating on your specific field of service.
Safety and standards training enables every member of our aviation team to be an integral part of delivering safe and reliable service to the church planting missionaries that are counting on us.
Veteran mission aviation personnel who have successfully served in remote locations will mentor you. These connections and relationships you build with home staff will be vital for long-distance interaction once you are on your field of service. You will get to know those who will be leading, providing technical expertise, supplying aircraft parts and coaching you through the challenges on the mission field.
National Culture and Language study on the field
6 to 24 months
Through purposeful and disciplined study, you will gain a competent level of culture and language skills. This will enable you to work closely with our national co-workers and leadership. It will equip you to interact well with local aviation authorities, organizations and government officials. With a good understanding of culture and language, you will be comfortable living in a foreign community and serving an ever-increasing number of national missionaries.
National aviation certifications
You will need to obtain the aviation certifications required by the national aviation authority in your country of service.