Missionary Flight Sponsorship

“Sometimes, it looked like I had three heads,” said Anga, a Tala-andig missionary. He was hiking day after day to a distant village, two of his kids on his back, excited to take the Good News to his lost relatives.
But just as the foreign missionaries who had first reached his village, Anga faced daunting transportation obstacles. Unlike them, however, Anga had only meager resources to live on, much less to spend on flights. We’ll let him tell his story, introduced by Brian Pruett, currently our International Rotor Wing Chief Pilot.
A few years ago, Ethnos360 Aviation resolved to pull out all the stops to provide affordable flights.
We moved as many funds as we could spare into a dedicated account. Then God’s people caught the vision too. Those whom God had blessed with funds gave so that those whom God had blessed with training and skills could go and reach people with the Gospel.
Now, if a native missionary needs a flight to carry out his church planting strategy, he gets a flight, because we only charge what he can afford.
Missionary Flight Sponsorship needs a consistent base of people to replenish the fund as it is used to establish thriving churches. Do you have financial resources? Do you have a heart for those who have never heard the Gospel? Then Missionary Flight Sponsorship might be just the ministry you are looking for!